Your questions, asked and answered.

What actually happens during a MagnaWave PEMF session?

The blood oxygen is increased, the lymphatic system is activated, and acupuncture points are stimulated. This process reduces pain and inflammation and promotes overall health. The idea of PEMF is to help relieve inflammation. Pain is thought to be caused by inflammation, if we can relieve the pain and swelling, the body can begin to recover naturally.

What should you expect the first time your animal uses PEMF?

Depending on the current state of health and wellness, you can expect your animal to feel an overall sense of well-being. Just like any other wellness modality, the way their body responds will vary from one animal to another. There are lots of factors that influence this, including diet, lifestyle and your animal’s level of physical activity. We advise checking with your veterinarian to make sure MagnaWave is right for your animal.

In some cases, animals using MagnaWave for the first time might feel a sense of fatigue. This may be their body’s response to ridding itself of toxins. If they experience detox after a PEMF session, we advise the animal to take in plenty of fluids and have plenty of rest.

How does PEMF show which areas are sensitive?

Muscle tissue palpitates in sensitive areas because of cellular exercise. As we like to explain it, the magnetic field will pass through the body, but when there are areas of inflammation, lactic acid build up, or scar tissue, the pulse bounces off these areas causing the movement you sometimes see during a session. This is further explained in our in-depth certification training.

Can PEMF be used pre-event?

Yes, but at the trainer’s discretion. However, we recommend that you try it ahead of time, since different animals react differently to a session. We have found that some clients are more relaxed after their session, so they might not have the same edge before an event. Other clients are not affected in that way and are ready to perform. So again we recommend you try it on your client before an event to measure performance and decide for yourself

When can a horse be worked after a PEMF session?

Immediately, there is no recovery time. Results are immediate with continued improvement over time with additional PEMF sessions.

Is MagnaWave the same as other magnetic blankets and boots?

Not necessarily. While the technology is similar, the difference is in the delivery method, power, and how they yield a deeper penetration. The higher power of MagnaWave provides shorter session times and quicker results. What the blankets can do in 2 to 3 weeks, the MagnaWave machines can do in 10 minutes!